Monday, November 25, 2013

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Old Man Animation Test

A quick little piece I did as a one day test. I started and finished it in one day, aside from some minor changes I did the following morning that took less than 20minutes. I wanted to practice my speed. Also my character transitions. :D


Friday, September 20, 2013

Acting Shot #2

Hey guys!

Check out an acting shot I've been working on. It's been really cool to focus on something more subtle. Hope you enjoy.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

11 second club final submission

Hey Guys! Check out my 11 second club submission. I took 55th place. It's not as nice as I'd like, but I learned a lot. "Keep moving forward" - Walt Disney


Sunday, June 23, 2013


Hello Everybody,

You may have noticed I haven't posted anything in a while. Well, that is because I have been hard at work on the 11 second club contest. I have 7 days left, and a lot to do. I should be able to post it after I turn it in.  It's been a super hectic month, full of hard work and headaches, but it's been a lot of fun. I've learned more than I ever though I would. Here is to victory.


Sunday, May 26, 2013

(VIDEO) Mantis Rig Shot Update

Hey guys! So, I've been working on the Mantis clip I posted a few days/weeks ago. After some advice from friends and instructors, I changed the camera layout and I re-did the ending. It really wasn't working. It still needs some smoothing out, and the legs/arm arcs still need to be tracked, but it's coming together.


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Mantis Rig

Hey guys! So, I've been messing around with my schools rig. It's called Mantis. For the most part it's pretty good. It's got its issues, but what doesn't? ;) This is not finished, but it's getting there. Body mechanics has and I think always will be the most challenging part of animation for me. It's mentally taxing because I spend hours and hours redoing the same 20 frames, over and over again. Then to finally look back on it and realize it's still wrong. But hey, we do it because we love it!! Haha, Enjoy!


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hey Guys! Check out my Demo reel!

This is after about 6 months at CG Spectrum. It's been a great 6 months so far, and I can't wait for what's to come. :D

P.S Acting term is kicking my butt!


Friday, April 19, 2013

Hey guys! So I've been working on a body mechanics shot while I wait for my acting term to start. It's incredible to see how far I've come in only 6 months of studying animation! :D Makes me smile... -DJNelson

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Hey guys! This is a WIP of my final body mechanics shot. It was a royal pain to do, but I've learned sooo much from it! It's currently unfinished, and has a lot of timing issues, but I still like how far I got with it before turning it in. I'm going to move on, rather than keep working it and fixing all the 'floaty-ness'. So, look forward to seeing some more work from my acting term, which starts tomorrow! :D -DJNelson

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Hey guys! I don't have anything to show today, but I just thought I'd give a shout out to a really awesome website I found. They're up to some pretty exciting new things, as well as some pretty cool existing content. Check it out if you haven't.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hey guys! I thought I'd keep you up to date with what's happening. I've started working on my final Body mechanics project. It's crazy that the term is almost over. Although it feels like the term has gone by fast, I've learned more about animation than I can describe. I thought it'd be cool to show you my rough blocking pass. This is after filming and acting out my reference. I really like the direction this piece is going. I do admit though, it's pretty daunting. It's the longest animation scene I've done. Should be fun! Cheers, -David

Thursday, February 28, 2013

This is my 'Hit and fall' assignment. This piece has been a huge learning experience for me. We spent a week finessing it, and it's been forcing me to really start looking for the subtle things. The way the head turns, or the way the hand curls when the person moves. I haven't/hadn't been looking for those kinds of things till now, so it's really been an eye opener. I've enjoyed it though. It is frustrating, but strangely rewarding at the same time. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Hey guys! This has been a great couple of weeks. I really feel like I'm improving. This assignment was for exaggeration. It was a lot of fun to do because I really enjoy making the characters look....silly. Like the Blue Sky, Ice Age style. I'm about 7 weeks into my body mechanics class that is being taught by none other than the very awesome Mark PullyBlank. Check out what he's worked on here. It's a blast to be in his class and to learn from him. Seriously. He like generates animation awesomeness. Till next time, -DJNelson

Monday, February 18, 2013

Hey! This is my last pass on this assignment. It's a baseball pitch. Or as my instructor calls it...the art student pitch. Either way it's a pitch, and that's what matters. ;) I was only given a few days to work on it, so there are still kinks in the curves and everything isn't quite moving as nice as it should. Overall though, the flow of it is working. It was a great assignment because it had to be quick, as well as it was a simple, yet interesting action to animate. -DJNelson

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

This is what I've been working on for the last 2 weeks (give or take a few days.) The scene was to show weight in a character. It's funny to me because I can only see mistakes in it. Which is a good thing I guess, but it's a pain because it makes it hard to enjoy your finished piece. :D I am proud of it though, regardless of its flaws. -DJNelson

Saturday, January 26, 2013

As you can tell, I've been having some fun with walk cycles. The assignment was to do a personality walk cycle, but because I'm an over achiever (sooo not an over achiever) I did two! :D The first is a sneak walk, and the second a soldiers march.
Hey guys! Sorry that its been a while since I've updated. After the holidays and all, I got pretty busy with school starting up and have been really learning a lot in my body mechanics class. Here is a standard walk cycle I was working on.